Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two Become Three...

I've decided to start a new blog.  Jeremy and I had one a few years ago but let it just "discontinue" due to just nothing much going on in our lives :)  We're boring, maybe??!!

But, we've had one very special reason to start another blog---a baby due any day now!!  I've had friends that kept a blog with their little ones and it's amazing how helpful it's been to look back and see how much they've grown and milestones they encountered.  I figure now is just as good as anytime to start blogging!

I've had a great pregnancy--absolutely no complications, very little nausea (just in the first trimester), good weight gain, healthy heartbeats, etc!  We've really been blessed with how fast the pregnancy has gone and how great I've felt the whole time.  Although now at 40+ weeks, I am starting to get uncomfortable.  I've had terrible back pain the past 24 hours so hopefully that means a baby is on his/her way!

On my due date!  January 8th!
We have a scheduled induction on Friday because at that point I'll be 5 days past my due date and my doctor feels like it's time!  And...I do too!!

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