Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What's been going on...

It's been a few weeks since my last post!  It's amazing how time gets away from you even though I'm at home every day.  Everett is doing great!  He's getting so big and really looking more and more like a baby instead of a newborn.  We've settled into a good routine which has really helped.  I struggled getting him on a schedule in the beginning because he seemed so unpredictable but then I realized...I set the routine, not him :)  If I want him to take a morning nap, I needed to put him down at the same time every day and eventually, he'll get tired at that time!  It's working!  He usually wakes up around 7:00 and plays/eats until 8:30 or 9:00.  Then (on a good day!) he'll take a 2-hour nap and we have another 1 1/2-2 hour play/eat time.  As the day goes on, his naps get a little shorter and iffy-er but he's really good at going to sleep around 7:00 pm so it's ok if the afternoon naps aren't great.  And, yes, there are a few days that if he falls asleep in my arms during Dr. Phil, I let him :)  Sometimes I just need a good cuddle with him.  Everett is really developing a sweet personality too!  He smiles and coos, which is SOOOO precious, and really seems to notice Jeremy and I.  He's also started noticing his hands---he sucks his thumb if his paci falls out and has tried to grab at toys in his bouncer.  He also started kicking his play mat toys too that are hanging from the bar.  And, yes, he looks exactly like Jeremy although my dad mentioned he sees a little bit of "Sara Jane" in him too.

The next hurdle is sleeping through the night.  He still gets up around 2:30 am although I am not feeding him--just stick the paci in his mouth and exit.  Hopefully it'll just be another couple of weeks before he realizes that he can sleep through the night!!!  I will literally cry tears of joy when that day comes.

We've taken one road trip to Dallas so far and he did great!  Although our normal 10-minute stop at the Braum's in McAlester, OK is no longer a 10-minute stop---more like a 50 minute stop to feed, change, play, etc before we hit the road again. 

Here are just a few pictures of how big Everett is now :
At Everett's sip and see in Dallas--5 weeks old

At Braum's in McAlester, OK on our road trip

His HUGE hand holding in his paci

Right after breakfast---milk coma

sucking his thumb

Sitting in his Bumbo chair

A big smile!

Wearing his Daddy and Me onesie :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

One month old!

Everett is one month old today which is so hard to believe. He is such a good baby...thank goodness:) Here are a few things that Everett is doing right now :
*Everett eats about every 3 hours and usually goes every 4 hours at night
*He eats about 5 ounces at every feeding and is getting quite the double chin to show for it!!
*he is super happy and talkative in the morning--he just started smiling this past week! At first I thought it was gas but he does it when I tickle him and make funny faces so I think it's an actual smile!!
*He has been sleeping in his crib since day 1!! Although during the day if he falls asleep in his bouncer, I let him sleep in there :)
*He is doing fairly well on his 10:30, 2:30, and 5:30 night schedule but if he's gassy, it varies!! We are very ready for him to sleep through the night :)

This month has flown by...I can't believe he's been in our lives for a month! I can't imagine my life without him--he has brought us so much joy!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

First Real Bath!

We've given Everett sponge baths but since his umbilical cord fell off on Friday, it was time for a "real" bath!  He didn't seem to mind it that much---a little fussy at times but all in all, pretty good!!
Before the bath!

It's not so bad!!

OK, I don't like it!

Ahhh....all better :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Home for 2 weeks now!

We are settling into our family of 3 now!  We've been home for 2 weeks and I can't believe how fast time has gone by--he seems to be changing every day!  His cheeks are filling out, we're seeing his eyes more and more, and he is a lot more active :)  Everett is eating about 3-4 ounces every 3 hours and is sleeping really well at night.  He pretty much just wakes up to eat!  I've been so lucky to have my mom here the first week we were home and then Patty, Jeremy's mom, has been here this week.  Next week will be "interesting" when I'm home by myself with the little guy.  Feel free to check in on me and make sure I haven't lost my mind! Here are a few pics that we've taken the past couple of weeks!
Everett's wreath on our door

attempting some play time! 

Awake in Mom's arms!

Yay!  Dad's home from work!

Sponge bath!

Time with Mom

Nursery is finally finished with the print that Patty's friend made for us!  It looks so great in the room!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Baby K becomes Baby Everett!

Baby Everett Thomas Kennedy was born on January 13th at 1:57 pm!  And, our gut feeling was right---he is a little boy :)  I was induced at 5:00 am on Friday morning and everything went very fast!  I had my epidural by 6:45am and began pushing at 1:30 pm.  27 minutes later, Everett was here weighing in at 8 pounds 4 ounces!

We are so over the moon with being parents. It truly is amazing---the second you see your baby, you fall in love.  I can't imagine not having him here.  Jeremy is such an amazing dad already---changing diapers, rocking, singing, and just truly being in love with him.  He seems to be on a good schedule already.  Everett eats every 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours and takes about 2-3 ounces at each feeding.  The nights have been a little crazy because he wakes up about one hour into his nap and needs to be rocked but falls asleep very quickly after that.

Here are some pictures:

Meeting Aunt Alex or Aunt "Beauty"

Meeting Gigi

Meeting Poppy

Meeting Aunt Jaime

Meeting Nama

Coming home outfit!

Walking in the door!

In his nursery with Dad!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two Become Three...

I've decided to start a new blog.  Jeremy and I had one a few years ago but let it just "discontinue" due to just nothing much going on in our lives :)  We're boring, maybe??!!

But, we've had one very special reason to start another blog---a baby due any day now!!  I've had friends that kept a blog with their little ones and it's amazing how helpful it's been to look back and see how much they've grown and milestones they encountered.  I figure now is just as good as anytime to start blogging!

I've had a great pregnancy--absolutely no complications, very little nausea (just in the first trimester), good weight gain, healthy heartbeats, etc!  We've really been blessed with how fast the pregnancy has gone and how great I've felt the whole time.  Although now at 40+ weeks, I am starting to get uncomfortable.  I've had terrible back pain the past 24 hours so hopefully that means a baby is on his/her way!

On my due date!  January 8th!
We have a scheduled induction on Friday because at that point I'll be 5 days past my due date and my doctor feels like it's time!  And...I do too!!